Hello, my name is Brendan Miller and I’m a filmmaker who makes journalistic explainers and films about politics.

This website (and the videos that go with it) came about because after many years working in news and politics, I became frustrated with how much of the news feels transitory and ultimately useless. I often feel like it’s nothing but repetitive noise, one thing after another.

This made me hungry for ideas, models and concepts that explain what’s going on at a deeper level and that will still be useful years after you learn about them. Or as I describe them, the ideas that explain the news.

I spend my time looking across lots of disciplines, from economics to sociology, for these ideas and I made video explainers about them. Recent examples include the Toxoplasma of Rage, Media Panics and Situational Crime Prevention.

If this sounds of interest to you then I hope you will enjoy looking around the website and videos. You can subscribe to my YouTube channel, but I also recommend signing up to my email list. As I don’t (currently at least) publish very often, this is the best chance of my work reaching you.

Currently, this website is still in its early stages but I plan to add pages about the ideas I’ve made videos on, and whatever else takes my fancy.

If you’re interested in learning more about me, you can check out my personal website where I share articles about filmmaking and details about the production and consultancy work I do. You can also find me on Twitter.