An interesting argument from Rules for Radicals is that change never comes the "haves" (benefit from status quo) or "have nots" (crushed by poverty), and so *must* come from the middle-class.

And that's what's happened in history. Check out his list of middle-class radicals:

I often hear critics attack activists on the basis that they're middle-class (e.g. "champagne socialist", "metropolitan elites") – but they're the ones with both 1) the incentive & 2) resources to fight for change.

I mean I can't say this guy would be my ideal spokesman for anything (sorry whoever you are), but it is remarkable that Adam Boulton seems to think "middle-class" is a valid point of criticism.

Though all this might just be me feeling defensive for loving Radio 4

Originally tweeted by Brendan Miller (@brenkjm) on January 15, 2021.